Dr. Homi Bhabha Balvaidnyanik Exam Schedule 2022-23

Sr. no Description Details
1 Accepting online entry forms (Registration) Tuesday 20th June 2023 to
Monday 31st July 2023 till midnight
2 Accepting online entry forms with late fee Tuesday 1st August 2023 to
Thursday 10th August 2023 @ 5 pm.(with late fee of Rs 25 per student)
3 Theory competition Third week of October 2023
4 Result of theory competition Last week of November 2023
5 Practical competition Std: IX th : Sunday 7th January 2024
Std: VIth : Sunday 21st January 2024
6 Result of practical competition First week of February 2024
7 Submission of action research project report through mail Monday 11th March 2024
8 General Interview Sunday 17th March 2024
9 Action Research Project Interview Sunday 17th March 2024
10 Prize Distribution Ceremony Sunday 7th April 2024
For any queries Contact us at 9322889699/9820158034 or email info@homibhabhacompetition.com